Wednesday, 20 February 2013


Thursday 21 FebruaFebruaryes
Memorise: Though the LORD be high, yet hath he respect unto the lowly: but the proud he knoweth afar off. Psalms 138:6

Read: Psalms 138:6-8

“I therefore, the prisoner of the Lord, beseech you that ye walk worthy of the vocation wherewith ye are called,”
Ephesians 4:1
Paul was a good example of Christ’s bond servant. He was also His friend. He was able to achieve great heights for the Lord because he was broken. Every believer has been called to brokenness to enable us fulfil the purpose of God for our lives. The truth is, until you are broken, you may never fulfil God’s plan for your life. Whether you like it or not, God will have to take you through the path of brokenness for you to reach the peak point in Christ. If you cooperate with Him, you will get there, but if you refuse to be broken, you may like Moses, see the Promised Land but not be able to enter it.
Today, there are young converts who are broken and believers of several years, even those occupying ecclesiastical positions who are unbroken. How do we identify the one who is broken and the one who is unbroken? One way of identifying an unbroken believer is if the fellow harbours pride, or still boasts or shares in God’s Glory. One fellow God cannot stand is the one who is proud (Psalm 138:6). If you cannot humble yourself under the leadership of the church, to obey lay down rules and guidelines, and to be disciplined when you err, you are not broken. If you have a proud look and thereby feel you know it all, or feel too big to learn from others, you are not yet broken. If you feel you are always right, you are not broken. If your earthly possessions, achievements and status in society are making you think that you are more superior to others, then you do not know what it means to be broken. Do you in any way share God’s Glory with Him when He performs some miracles or work of grace in and through you? Then you are not broken. If you are boastful you are not broken. Some Leaders are so full of what they have achieved for God that they are blinded from doing more. It is because they are not broken. What are the traces of un-brokenness in your life?
Father, every trace of un-brokenness in my life, please uproot today. Break me, mould me and make me what you want me to be.

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