Memorise: Thou shalt also decree a thing, and it shall be established unto thee: and the light shall shine upon thy ways. Job 22:28
Read: 2King 2:19-22
If you compare the old with the new anointing, although it is the same Spirit, yet you will notice that there is a divine intent to do things better, deliver faster and give God a greater level of glory. The New Year, the new anointing will make uncommon miracles possible through you in Jesus name.
Another attribute of the new anointing is that with it you can decree something and it will be established immediately. In 2 Kings 2:19-22, Elisha poured water mixed with salt at the spring of some bad river, and decreed an end to death and barrenness and it was so. We had a Holy Ghost rally recently in America. During the time of testimonies, one of my daughters testified that several years ago, while still seeking admission into the university, she met me for prayers, but because I was very busy, I told her to go and that she will get the admission. She was disappointed because she felt I had no time to pray for her; but a few weeks later, she got her admission. Some years later, she was pursuing her admission into a particular university which was not easy to secure. She said I simply looked at her and said congratulations! Then she recalled how God used a simple comment from me to give her that admission earlier, so she went home rejoicing. On arrival, she told her son and not long after, her admission letter into that university was received and it started with: ‘Dear Mrs. So and so, congratulations!’ Have you been struggling with getting admission into a school of higher learning but have met with disappointments? The era of disappointment is over in your life. In the name that is above all other names, you shall receive your admission letter into that preferred course of study as you make another effort. Have you made several efforts with your spouse but you have not been able to have a child? This season, your next attempt will result in pregnancy and your baby shall be made manifest. Have you been finding it difficult to make ends meet? Have you been living from hands to mouth? From today, the Lord is opening new doors that will deliver abundance to you. Tap into new anointing with faith and it shall be well with you.
The anointing turns mere statements into law. If you are God’s anointed, be very careful with your words, particularly your jokes and comments when provoked.
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