MEMORISE: In whose eyes a vile person is contemned; but he honoureth them that fear the LORD. He that sweareth to his own hurt, and changeth not. Psalm 15: 4.
READ: JOSHUA 24: 14 – 20.
14 Now therefore fear the Lord, and serve him in sincerity and in
truth: and put away the gods which your fathers served on the other side
of the flood, and in Egypt; and serve ye the Lord.
15 And if it seem evil unto you to serve the Lord, choose you this
day whom ye will serve; whether the gods which your fathers served that
were on the other side of the flood, or the gods of the Amorites, in
whose land ye dwell: but as for me and my house, we will serve theLord.
16 And the people answered and said, God forbid that we should forsake the Lord, to serve other gods;
17 For the Lord our God, he it is that brought us up and our fathers
out of the land of Egypt, from the house of bondage, and which did those
great signs in our sight, and preserved us in all the way wherein we
went, and among all the people through whom we passed:
18 And the Lord drave out from before us all the people, even the
Amorites which dwelt in the land: therefore will we also serve the Lord;
for he is our God.
19 And Joshua said unto the people, Ye cannot serve the Lord: for he is an holy God; he is a jealous God; he will not forgive your transgressions nor your sins.
20 If ye forsake the Lord, and serve strange gods, then he will turn
and do you hurt, and consume you, after that he hath done you good.
During the course of life, a time comes when you must decide who to
serve. It is a time of choice. At such times you have to decide for
yourself who would be your God. Have you faced such scenario? What was
your choice? In Joshua 24 : 15, the children of Israel stood face to
face with that decision. The midwives of Exodus 1 : 15 – 21 equally
faced such challenge – to obey God or the king, and they chose the
former. No wonder it is on record that they feared God. Your decisions
in life indicate how much fear of God you have. Every divine midwife
must be able to take the right decision even when it hurts. In Psalm 15 :
1 – 5, among the qualities listed that are required to enter God’s holy
hill, is the ability to swear to one’s hurt without looking back. Can
you take a decision to serve God and stand by it without looking back?
The midwives refused to obey their king for fear of the highest King.
When it comes to the most crucial areas of your life, may you never
make the wrong choice. Many times, we allow the choices of others to
influence ours to a great extent: we want to do something only when our
spouse or friends agrees to do the same. To be born-again is a very
personal and crucial decision. Certain sacrificial decisions are equally
personal. Take for instance, when God instructed Abraham to go and
sacrifice Isaac, if he had told Sarah, would she have allowed him? He
simply kept it from her because he wanted to obey. Today, some believers
receive ‘hard’ instructions from the Lord, and because they do not want
to obey, they share it with their spouse whom they know would disagree;
and finally they tell God that the reason they disobeyed was because
they could not agree with their spouse. Remember God knows every secret
thought of the heart. Why do you keep looking for excuses not to do what
should be done? A divine midwife will always look up to God and obey
God’s instructions in spite of contrary circumstances. What are your
choices in life? Have you chosen to serve God, to follow the way of
holiness and adopt a life of prayer as well as of the study of His word?
While the Hebrew midwives manufactured excuses for obeying God, those
who claim to love and serve God today are giving reasons for disobeying